SibTourGuide - Acknowledgments
I find as I look back over the history of developing of this site, that there were so many people who gave aid and advice that it is now virtually impossible to give proper credit to each individual. However, I feel especially indebted to some for their help and participation.
Firstly, I’d like to thank all the friends who wrote or e-mailed me during working on this site. I hope you’ll feel the same way about Siberian Tour Guide and that you’ll take the time and trouble to let me know your thoughts. They are greatly appreciated. It was wonderful hearing from all of you, and especially gratifying that you loved your trips to Siberia.
I was happy to meet you in Siberia and look forward to seeing you again some day. Thank you for sharing your pictures and everything you have done for starting this business. The time I spent with you in Krasnoyarsk was unforgettable. I wish all the best to your families and you.
To the following individuals I am deeply indebted:
Rod Halpert, USA;
Gary and Karen Smith, Canada;
Maraide Sullivan, USA;
Chip Taylor, USA;
Stephanie KlienDavis, USA;
Chris Terew, USA;
Darlene and Michael French, Canada;
Michael and Jenifer McParland, USA;
Bill Kadell, USA;
Martinsen Kit and Tom, USA;
Andrew Wechsler, USA;
Gretel Johnston, USA;
Thomas and Uda Gerginis, Canada;
Gerard McCarrick, USA;
Tammie and Michael Feldman, USA
Janice Schaefer, USA.
Melissa Hughes, USA